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Monday, February 26, 2007

New Beginnings?

Today I am expectant that God is working a miracle in our lives in regards to Mark's career. Maybe this is in reference to chiropractic work, maybe not, but I have faith that everything will be OK. In case you didn't already know, Mark has told his current boss/business partner that he will let him know by the end of this month when he will be leaving that chiropractic practice. As the end of the month is only two days away... please keep us in your prayers!!! There are not any local chiropractic work opportunities available for Mark at the moment, but nonetheless we are trying to stay in the area for the time being to continue being a part of the Hull Jubilee church-plant (a New Frontiers International church). Most people in Hull think we're crazy to consider staying since Hull is thought of as such a dreary, dull place. I'm finding, however, that this place is growing on me! I think my deepening friendships, being a part of the Hull University's Women's Basketball team, and volunteering with Hull One World Shop (Fair Trade Shop) have caused my change of heart. Moving to the States is still a possibility, but Mark is not qualified to work there until he passes the American Board Exams. He receives those results in January 2008. We also do not have a confirmed job offer in the States and are waiting on the Lord's timing for that. To throw a wrench in things, at church yesterday a visiting speaker/prophet prayed for us, and said that we were being 'woven into the tapestry of the church.' He basically implied that our work with the church wasn't finished yet. He also said that Mark would receive closure soon (in regards to his current job?) and join the race again, not behind the others but caught up with them (a new job?). Hmmm. In any case, it's the season of lent and we're trying to pray more. We sure do have a lot of things to pray about!

OK, some photos for you...

Me and Grace in Amsterdam.


Shaking Vincent Van Gogh's hand in Amsterdam.

Valentine's Day. I took the afternoon off and Mark and I drove up north to Harrowgate and beyond. The forcast said rain, but all we had was sunshine which made for a lovely drive through the countryside!

Near an attraction in Harrowgate called Mother Shipton's Cave.